Nature To City route

River Park (Brooklyn Park) to Boom Island Regional Park


Distance: 8.5 miles
Paddle Time: ~3 hours
Rental Days and Times, Summer Schedule: Monday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday 11:00am to 5:00pm Rental Days and Times, Post Labor Day Schedule: Saturday, or Sunday 11:00am to 5:00pm
Cost: $35/single, $50/double

Route Description:
This is the longest Paddle Share adventure! It will sweep you from peaceful nature, past industrial structures along the riverfront in North Minneapolis, all the way to stunning views of the city skyline at Boom Island park. This route features the opportunity enjoy the treelined riverbanks. Keep an eye out for egrets, wild turkeys, turkey vultures, otters, geese, deer, and fox. See the industrial shoreline from a different perspective and enjoy the cityscape of downtown Minneapolis as you finish your paddle. There is plenty of time to stop along the way, paddle around islands, and take in the beauty of the Mississippi River. 

How To Get Back

The most direct connection between the start and finish is by personal vehicle or bike, rideshare apps like Lyft or Uber, or a taxi. Metro Transit buses can also get you back to where you started but are not direct routes.

Please Note:

River Park is currently under construction. The rental station is now located on the south end of the park off of 81st Street. (The rental station was previously located in the parking lot off of the 83rd Street entrance. Please note it is no longer there.)

Paddle Share is an unguided experience. This route is a long paddle, so be sure all members in your group have paddling experience.

You can pick up your kayak any time after 11:00am. You must return the equipment by 5:00pm. Plan your trip to allow enough time to retrieve the equipment, paddle, and return the equipment by 5:00pm. If kayaks are returned after 5:00PM, the credit card that was used to purchase the reservation will be charged with an automatic $100 late fee. Please plan accordingly.

The orientation of the map below is similar to navigating on your car or phone's GPS. The cardinal direction is posted on the map, with SOUTH pointing downstream, which is the direction you will travel in the kayak.


Nature route


City route