Nature route

Mississippi Gateway Regional Park to North Mississippi Regional Park


Distance: 7.5 miles
Paddle Time: ~2 hours 30 minutes
Rental Days and Times, Summer Schedule: Monday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday 9:00am to 3:00 pm 11:00am to 5:00pm Rental Days and Times, Post Labor Day Schedule: Saturday, or Sunday 9:00am to 3:00 pm 11:00am to 5:00pm
Cost: $30/single, $45/double

Route Description:
Start just downstream of the Coon Rapids Dam. Paddle along this quiet, winding stretch of the Mississippi River. Towering tree canopy drapes over the riverbank, providing habitat for bald eagles and migratory birds. There are many undeveloped islands along the route. Paddle through the backwaters to see spiny soft-shelled turtles sunning themselves on logs and driftwood. Keep an eye out for egrets, wild turkeys, turkey vultures, otters, geese, deer, and fox. You may also encounter dragonflies and other insect life landing to rest on your kayak as you relax and enjoy the natural outdoor show. See Note below for more information.

How To Get Back

The most direct connection between the start and finish is by personal vehicle or bike, rideshare apps like Lyft or Uber, or a taxi. Metro Transit buses can also get you back to where you started but are not direct routes.

Please Note:

*If you select the 9:00am - 3:00pm time slot:

You can pick up your kayak any time after 9:00am. You must return the equipment by 3:00pm. Plan your trip to allow enough time to retrieve the equipment, paddle, and return the equipment by 3:00pm. If kayaks are returned after 3:00PM, the credit card that was used to purchase the reservation will be charged with an automatic $100 late fee. Please plan accordingly.

*If you select the 11:00am - 5:00pm time slot:

You can pick up your kayak any time after 11:00am. You must return the equipment by 5:00pm. Plan your trip to allow enough time to retrieve the equipment, paddle, and return the equipment by 5:00pm. If kayaks are returned after 5:00PM, the credit card that was used to purchase the reservation will be charged with an automatic $100 late fee. Please plan accordingly.

Free parking is available at Mississippi Gateway Regional Park.

Mississippi Gateway Regional Park's parking lot, visitor center, and trails will be open during the new visitor center construction in 2023. To access the Paddle Share stations, park in the large parking lot at 10360 West River Road, Brooklyn Park, travel along the paved trail that connects the parking lot to the Coon Rapids Dam, before you reach the Dam turn right and walk south along the river. The Paddle Share stations are accessible at the carry-in boat launch. 

When water levels are low later in the season, it will be easier to access the river via the stairway north of the lockers. Once in the water, you may need to carry your kayak through shallow water before reaching the main channel. Participants should expect to get their feet wet and be prepared to walk on uneven rocks and slippery surfaces. Click on the images below to enlarge details.

The orientation of the map below is similar to navigating on your car or phone's GPS. The cardinal direction is posted on the map, with SOUTH pointing downstream, which is the direction you will travel in the kayak.


Nature To City route